Friday, July 17, 2015

Once, I had enough time to have a blog

It's been over 18 months since I have been on this blog. A blog, that I so enjoyed doing. So, what happened? Life. Life happens, and we get busy. 

We have added an amazing spunky baby girl to our family. Philippa Jane was born last November, and she is now 8 months old (currently crawling around my feet putting random carpet fuzz and paper in her mouth). I am just now feeling like I can come up for air sometimes. Attachment parenting is so physically intensive the first year (or more!) of a baby's life. Add to that the fact that sweet Philippa is (still) waking up at least 3 times a night to nurse, and, well, you get the picture.

I'm very excited to get back to blogging, though. Sometimes, you just need an outlet for your thoughts. So, my goal is one post a week for the time being.  I'm hoping to get Philippa's birth story post soon as well. 

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